Capabilities and Facilities
Metals and Melting
* All grades of of gray and ductile iron.
* Selected grades of ni-resist and ductile ni-resist.
* Click here for metal specifications chart.
* Casting sizes ranging from ounces to approximately 5 tons.
* Four electric induction furnaces supplying 12-1/2 tons of metal at any one time.
* Annealing, stress relieve, quench and temper, normalizing, and surface hardening.
* Hunter automatics (14 X 19 and 20 X 24), jolt squeezers, cope and drag line, rotalift, and full no-bake floor molding line.
Core Types
* Shell, Isocure coldbox, no-bake, and oil sand. All type boxes.
Quality Control
* Sand lab, microstructure, spectrograph, Brinell, and outside destructive and non-destructive testing.
* Metallurgical certifications provided upon request per order.
* Quality control manual available upon request.
Other Services
* Patterns of all types and materials constructed with expert craftsmanship.
* Rough and finish machining available.
* Paint , primer, plating, and other coatings available.
* Safe and secure storage of your valuable tooling.
* Family owned and operated since 1925.
* Approximately 100 non-unionized employees.
* Members of American Foundrymen's Society and Ductile Iron Society.